Category: Solar Street Light

Solar Street Lights
casyoone solar street light
Casyoone-20 20W
casyoone solar street light
Casyoone-40 40W
casyoone 60w solar street light
Casyoone-60 60W
casyoone 80w solar street light
Casyoone-80 80W
casyoone 80w solar street light
Casyoone-100 100W
casyooSSw solar street light
CasyooSS-100 100W

How to choose All in One solar street lights?

Solar Panel

Select between monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar panels based on price and conversion rates. Monocrystalline panels have a higher conversion rate (16-17%) but are more expensive. Consider the number of nickel wires in the solar panel, as more wires result in faster conversion speeds.


Choose a suitable battery type based on specific needs. Lead-acid batteries are low-cost but heavy with a short lifespan. Gel batteries offer extended lifespan but at a slightly higher price. Lithium batteries are small, quick to charge, and recyclable but may lack stability. Lithium iron phosphate batteries, though expensive, boast a long service life of up to 10 years and a wide operating temperature range.


While PWM controllers are common, consider the newer MPPT controllers for higher charging efficiency. PWM controllers use digital output but are influenced by weather conditions. MPPT controllers, with Maximum Power Point Tracking, achieve the highest charging efficiency, reaching a tracking efficiency of 99%. However, they come at a higher price compared to PWM controllers.

Solar street light price: solar vs All-in-One solar vs traditional street lights


Traditional street lights have higher installation costs due to transformers and cables. LED lights save on cable costs, and solar lights simplify installation with minimal expenses.

Electricity Costs

Traditional HPS lights have 2-3 times higher electricity costs than LED lights. Solar lights have zero electricity costs.


Traditional LED lights last around 10 years, with more cost-effective maintenance than HPS lights. Solar lights require battery replacement every 5-7 years, costing $50-$100. All-in-one solar lights offer easier troubleshooting and component replacement, reducing maintenance expenses.

Installation of solar street lights

Battery Installation

  • Clean the battery compartment and ensure proper drainage.
  • Verify battery voltage and condition.
  • Secure battery cables through prefabricated pipes and cover with asphalt.

Light Pole Erection

  • Lift the light pole to the designated position.
  • Use a large wrench to prevent friction damage during lifting.
  • Adjust the lamp head direction to face the road.
  • Ensure the light pole is perpendicular to the ground with a gasket.
  • Check solar module orientation and make adjustments if needed.

Controller Installation

  • Note cable polarity and check insulation.
  • Connect power cables securely, insulate, and tie to the light pole.
  • Verify normal output on the controller’s indicator and LED display.
  • Secure cables, install, and lock the cabin door.

Maintenance of solar street lights

Preventive Measures

  • Observe surroundings to prevent shading on solar panels.
  • Check panels for cracks or stains before use.
  • Inspect wiring connections for corrosion or poor contact.

Regular Checks

  • Perform weekly maintenance, especially after strong wind or rain.
  • Check panels, controllers, and batteries for water ingress.
  • Conduct overall cleaning and maintenance after a designated period of use.

Addressing Issues

  • Address flickering or short circuits promptly to ensure proper functioning.
  • Follow safety procedures and involve professionals during construction.
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